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The Territory

original title: Territoriya

2015, DCP, color, 157 min., Russian


CATEGORY : Adventure Drama
PRODUCTION : BUDGET : 11 000 000 euro



Konstantin Lavronenko, Grigoriy Dobrygin, Kseniya Kutepova, Evgeniy Tsyganov, Egor Beroev, Petr Fedorov


Director : Screenplay : Alexandr Melnik
Cinematographer : Igor Grinaykin
Producers : Anton Melnik


An adventure drama about gold prospectors of the middle years of the last century based on Oleg Kuvayev’s same-name novel.

The novel was published in 1974 and made the name of  Oleg Kuvayev famous in the USSR. Since 1975 the novel has sustained more than 30 editions. It was published abroad as well: in the French, German, Vietnamese, Spanish, Arab, English, Japanese and Polish languages. The book was translated in the republics of the USSR. In Europe the novel was published in 17 publishing houses. The book quickly became a handbook and “backpack book” as it was often present in the backpacks not only of geologists, who it was written about, but in the backpacks of  just young people looking  for  heroic deeds  in the vast expanses of the East of the USSR. Chukotka, a far away land glorified in the novel, became close and favorite for millions of readers.

“Your journey will not end on the planet, from which it started on”, – Oleg Kuvayev

– Територія : роман та повісті Олега Куваєва (украинский). Київ: Дніпро, 1978
– Territoorium: Romaan. Tallinn, 1977 (Estonian)
– Teritorija: Romans, Riga, 1978 (Latvian)
– Teritorija. Romanas. Vilnius, 1979 (Lithuanian)
– Териториул : Роман / Олег Куваев; Пер. с рус. А. А. Руму, Кишинев: Лит. артистикэ, 1983, 273 с.; 20 см, Б-ка соврем. сов. романа, (Молд.)
– Argonauci Dalekiej Północy by Oleg Mihajlovič Kuvaev; Eugeniusz Piotr Melech (Polish), ser. Klub Interesującej Książki, Warszawa : Państwowe Wydawnictwo «Iskry» ; Moskwa : Raduga, Ed: 1976 (250 p.), 1987
– Le Territoire (Collection Florilège) (Reliure inconnue) de Oleg Mihajlovic Kuvaev (Auteur), Jean Champenois (Auteur) (French) Paris : Livre Club Diderot ; Moscou : Éditions du Progrès, 1978
– Goldsucher (Territorija, dt.). Roman by Oleg Kuvaev (German). (Deutsch von Ruprecht Willnow). München : Bertelsmann, 1976
– Auf Goldsuche in Sibirien, Roman, Kuwajew, Oleg: 1. Auflage, die obere Buchecke und an allen Seiten sind die Ecken abgenutzt, ansonsten gutes Exemplar, Verlag – Volk und Welt Berlin, 332 S., (German). [1977]
– Goldsucher : Roman by Oleg M Kuvaev (German). Russ. von Ruprecht Willnow, Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1980.
– The territory : a novel by Oleg Kuvaev (English). [translated from the Russian by Robert Daglish]. Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1982. 389 p. Series: Working class in Soviet literature.
– The territory by Oleg Kuvaev (English) // Soviet literature. no. 8 (353) (1977)
– A terület. (Hungarian) By Oleg Mihajlovic Kuvaev, András Soproni. Budapest Európa, 1978
– Alue / Oleg Kuvajev; (Finnish) [suomentanut Ulla-Liisa Heino]. [Moskova] : [Raduga], [1987] Series: Maailma ja me, Novelliliite; 1987. 248 s.
– Teritorium / Oleg Kuvajev (Czech); z ruš. přel. Jan Zábrana; obálka, vazba a graf. úprava Oldřich Pošmurný. Praha : Lidové nakladatelství, 3 ed: 1976; 1978; 1987. 286 s. Series Nový svět.
– Teritórium / Oleg Michajlovič Kuvajev (Slovak) ; Prel. Mária Hulmanová. Bratislava : Slov. spis., 1978. 308 s. Series Nová sovietska tvorba.
– Територията (Български). София, 1978.
– Los Buscadores de Oro. Kuvaev, Oleg. Novela. (Spanish) 1h., colofón, ilustr. 21×13, Editorial Progreso., Moscú, 1979.
– Te-Ri-To-Ri-A: Tieu Thuyet. Ha Noi, 1983 (Vietnamese)

Director and screenwriter, Alexandr Melnik:
“It is an adventure film with philosophical charge.
“The Territory” will be interesting to audiences of all generations. It will allow the young to see the other sides of life, other ways that differ from passive existence in the society of consumption. These ways lead to understanding of human values and make people realize that it is worth living for the sake of great discoveries”.


The year of  1960. The Far North-East of the Soviet Union . On the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the centre of the a vast region which is called  the Territoty there is a  settlement ,  inhabited by gold miners. The country needs gold after the war, but only tin is found and mined  in the Territory. The order comes from the City administration to stop the geological survey.

But the legendary Buddha, Ilya Chinkov, the master of the Territory, is sure that gold exists here. Chinkov takes on the responsibility to find it within one field season. In order to win he needs people who will believe  in the gold of the Territory as as well as he believes himself .