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Timur Novikov. ZERO OBJECT

original title: Timur Novikov. Ob'ekt Nol'

2015, DCP, 95 min., Russian

biopic contemporary art underground

CATEGORY : Documentary
DOCUMENTARY CATEGORIES : Art / Music / Literature / Culture, Portraits


Director : Screenplay : Alexander Shein, Evgeny Mitta
Cinematographer : Vladimir Vodolagin, Alexander Shein, Andrey Popov
Producers : Giya Lordkipanidze, Evgeny Mitta, Victor Taknov, Alexander Shein


Supported by Fund of Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin

«Object-Zero» is the third film from the series «Antology of Contemporary Art» by Evgeny Mitta Mitta and Alexander Shein.


The film is about Timur Novikov.

In the 80’s, on the edge of the history of the Soviet state gave birth to new artistic ideas and new aesthetic reality. Leningrad was in avant-garde, and Timur Novikov was the undoubted leader of Leningrad counterculture.

The «New Artists», «New Theatre», the group «New Composers», the band «Kino», «Pop-mechanic» of Sergei Kuryokhin were created that time. Yufit – Necrorealists film language. In the mid-’80s, when everything was measured in «five-year plans» in USSR, ASSA gallery had the show «New Vogue», played the first electronic music and did the first performances with John Cage.